When he opened Rye Deli in the fall of 2011, first-time restaurateur David Weinstein promised a different kind of deli. It was fun while it lasted — for this critic, anyway — until the restaurant closed on March 30. A few days later, amid the packing boxes in the dining room of his shuttered Lowry Hill restaurant, Weinstein offered a post-mortem.
Q: I was flummoxed by the news that you closed the restaurant. I had breakfast there on what turned out to be its last day, and the place was bustling. What happened?
A: It was a few factors. We didn't have a consistent volume of business to justify our overhead. Our business was increasing continuously from the time we opened, but the gap was not bridgeable. And some of the goalposts kept moving. The price of beef kept going up, and we have a beef-heavy menu. Steakhouses can charge $50, but when you call yourself a deli, you can't increase prices to keep up with increased costs. We have a 6-ounce brisket sandwich for $11, and we couldn't keep raising the price to keep up with the price of beef.
Q: That always felt like a fair value to me. But not to others?
A: Our customers are price-conscious. Our check average is $15, and that kind of volume is hard to do. That led to our conclusion that we couldn't get where we needed to be, and we decided not to prolong it.
Q: From the get-go, you seemed to have difficulties convincing people that Rye was a different kind of deli. Do I have that correct?
A: Many people had a very particular set of expectations. And it wasn't an issue of quality; it was about different expectations. People would say they wanted a "deli-deli," or a "real deli," and they had an obvious image in their head.
No one goes to La Belle Vie and says, "Well, it's OK, but it's not the French Laundry," because it's not trying to be the French Laundry. But with a deli, there's always a reference point. When it comes to most restaurants, many people are looking for something new. But when it comes to delis, people crave familiarity; they always want certain things available. They're looking for nostalgia. Everyone has a different deli memory, and all those memories are competing with one another. We often met those expectations, but there were times when we didn't, from the moment they walked in the door.