Before the advent of the internet, Robert Janssen's home hotline served as the Minnesota's birding community's information hub. Birders shared their sightings on his answering machine, and then, each Thursday, he'd compile an outgoing message for those making weekend treks to see birds.
"We'd be home after school and the phone would be ringing and people would be leaving messages saying, 'There's a blue spotted something in Waseca, blah, blah,' " remembered his daughter, Carolyn Olson. "My dad would come home from work and get that message and then be gone if it was a bird he didn't have on his list."
Known among local birders as a "pioneer of ornithology in Minnesota" and the community's "institutional memory," Janssen, of Golden Valley, died on Oct. 29 at age 91.
The author of the local birder's bible, "Birds in Minnesota," was thought to have visited every named place in Minnesota to comprehensively document its avian population. He was among the rare birders to have spotted more than 200 species in every one of the state's 87 counties.
Any serious Minnesota birder knew who Janssen was and likely had run into him in the field. ("Once at Le Sueur over a rufous hummingbird and once near Granite Falls when we were both looking for blue grosbeaks," one fellow bird enthusiast recalled.) And Janssen generously shared his encyclopedic knowledge to make birding more accessible and advocate for the environment.
"He thought that if people could know where to find birds and how to identify them, that would enhance their support of birds and all the things that go into maintaining healthy populations," said Janssen's friend Jim Williams, a birding columnist for the Star Tribune.
Janssen identified his first bird at about 5 years old when, riding his bike in south Minneapolis, he spotted a meadowlark and rushed home to tell his mom.
In adulthood, Janssen worked as a sales manager for an envelope company and went birding on weeknights and weekends, as often as he could.