A pioneer in a male-dominated field, architect Elizabeth "Lisl" Close was perhaps the first Minnesota women licensed in the profession. Throughout a 50-year collaboration with her husband, Winston Close, she designed distinctively modern public buildings and intimate private homes while managing the family's architecture firm and raising three children.
"She was a role model for me not only because she was a successful woman architect but because she fully embraced modernism and never wavered from that conviction," said Joan Soranno, vice president of HGA Architects of Minneapolis. "She showed the rest of us how it could be done with talent, grace and wisdom."
Close, 99, died Tuesday of pneumonia.
She ran the family architecture firm -- now Close Associates Inc. -- while her husband served in World War II and from 1950 to 1971 when he oversaw campus planning and building at the University of Minnesota.
She was the principal designer on a wide range of projects, including 14 houses in the University Grove neighborhood of St. Anthony Park, the Gray Freshwater Biological Institute in Navarre, the Peavey Technical Center in Chaska and Ferguson Hall, the music building on the University of Minnesota's West Bank campus.
"By her example she inspired many women in architecture, myself included, but she didn't want to be known as a woman architect -- just as an architect who happened to be a woman," said architectural historian Jane King Hession, who is working on a book about Close.
Born in Vienna, Austria, in 1912, Lisl Scheu grew up in a celebrated (and still standing) house designed by the influential architect Adolf Loos. Jewish on her mother's side and "socialist on both sides," as her son Roy put it, she left Austria before the Nazi purge and moved to Boston to finish college. There she earned B.A. and M.A. degrees in architecture at MIT and met her future husband, also a graduate student.
The architecture field did not welcome women then, as she discovered after graduating in 1935. The first firm to which she applied rejected her because she would be "a distraction in the drafting room," Hession said. The second told her she could work -- if she paid $20 per month for the privilege. But she was hired by the third and went to work in Philadelphia.