July 4th falling on a Tuesday has us a bit discombobulated this year. What day(s) should I take off work? Which cities are hosting fireworks? What's there to do until dusk?
A parade in Edina, a BBQ in Apple Valley, flying flapjacks in Wayzata and other July 4th fun
There's plenty of fun to be had in the Twin Cities before the fireworks begin.

You might be surprised to find out just how much fun you can have for little or no money on Independence Day. Read on:
A nickel, a brew
Inbound Brew Co. is offering a free beer (OK, a wooden nickel you can exchange for a free beer) with your first purchase — if you sport red, white and blue at the Minneapolis brewery on the 4th. Indeed said it'll throw in an extra wooden nickel if you have patriotic underwear on. (Wouldn't want to be the one to check.) There'll also be a food truck serving tacos from noon to 8 p.m. and live music from 2 to 5 p.m. The fun goes from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. at Inboundbrew.co, 701 N. 5th St.
Made in the parade
Say what you want about Edina, but its July 4th parade is a don't-miss for kids and adults alike. Expect the usual parade lineup (local first responders, politicians, royalty and bands) with lots of free goodies. The parade starts at 10 a.m. at Edina City Hall, heads east on 50th Street and ends at Halifax Avenue. Get there early if you want a good view of the proceedings. edinaparade.org, 4801 W. 50th St., Edina.
An all-American meal
If you're in the mood for a classic Independence Day meal but don't want to cook, the American Legion 1176 in Apple Valley is doing BBQ. For $13 a plate, you get chicken, baked beans, coleslaw and a dinner roll. It doesn't get any more American than that. 11 a.m. 14521 Granada Drive, Apple Valley.
Patriotic pancakes
If you're feeling extra patriotic on our country's birthday, a pancake breakfast at the Wayzata Depot Museum promises "flyin'" flapjacks plus historical re-enactments. For the bargain price of $9, you get pancakes, coffee, sausage and a cold drink. The Sons of the American Revolution and Daughters of the American Revolution will grace audiences with period costumes and there will be Revolutionary War re-enactors to show off their period weapons and entertain guests. 8 a.m.-noon. 402 E. Lake St., Wayzata.
A tasty raffle
Utepils Brewery in Minneapolis holds a meat and cheese raffle every Tuesday in partnership with Kramarczuk's and Redhead Creamery. On the 4th, there'll be a special holiday edition. When you buy a beer, you get a raffle ticket. All you need to do is relax, sip and wait for your number to be called (you must be present to win), 6-8 p.m. 225 Thomas Av. N., Mpls.