The leader of Feeding Our Future sold vulnerable immigrants on a “perversion of the American dream,” persuading dozens of Somali business owners to join her $250 million pay-for-play scheme that made them rich before federal investigators caught up to the fraud, prosecutors said in their closing statements Tuesday.
“They just wanted to work hard and provide better lives for themselves and their families,” said Assistant U.S. Attorney Harry Jacobs, one of two prosecutors who presented the government’s closing arguments to the jury. “Ladies and gentlemen, that was the American dream. It should have been enough ... But what Aimee Bock sold them was a perversion of the American dream: lie, cheat, steal, do anything to make more money. And look at them now.”
After five weeks of testimony, the defense rested its case Tuesday morning after both Bock, the founder of the nonprofit at the center of the scheme, and her alleged co-conspirator, Safari Restaurant co-owner Salim Said, testified in their own defense, denying any wrongdoing or kickbacks and saying food was served to kids.
Prosecutors called 30 witnesses who testified that Bock ignored concerns about the ballooning fraud, knew about kickbacks between associates and even requested kickbacks herself. Of the 70 people charged since 2022, 37 have pleaded guilty.
Jacobs told the jury in his closing argument that the pandemic brought out the best in many Minnesotans. But, he said, Bock and Said, who personally earned $5.9 million from the seven meal sites he allegedly controlled, used the crisis to “enrich themselves” by exploiting a federally funded meals program intended to provide food to children in need.
“This program is about making meals, not millionaires,” Jacobs said.
Defense attorneys agreed that massive fraud took place, but they said their clients were not involved in it. Kenneth Udoibok , Bock’s attorney, pointed out in his closing argument that his client rarely looked at the inflated meal count forms that were used to defraud the government or any of the fake invoices used to support those claims. He said she relied on employees and consultants who found it easy to deceive her because she did not speak Somali, like so many of her meal site operators.
“There is no question that people lied to Aimee Bock,” Udoibok told the jury. “You expect your employees to tell you the truth. You don’t expect consultants to be receiving kickbacks.”