Fears that a for-profit developer might buy a large Richfield apartment property and price out its low-income tenants were eased this week after nonprofit developer Aeon said it was purchasing the complex.
But the close call gave elected officials and tenant advocates an opportunity at a City Council work session Tuesday to discuss ways the city can better protect its affordable housing in the future.
"There are these large real estate deals, and renters … whose lives are immeasurably impacted by those decisions don't have a voice," City Council Member Michael Howard said. "That requires us to show some urgency and be strategic."
Just days before the meeting, Aeon said it had entered into a purchase agreement with the owners of Seasons Park, a 422-unit complex in southeast Richfield near Interstate 494 and Hwy 77.
Aeon has built and renovated thousands of affordable units across the metro area, and Aeon President Alan Arthur said his goal is to remodel Seasons Park while keeping rents as close to current rates as possible.
"It was easy to make a decision to try and save it," Arthur said. "We're making a big impact with one fell swoop."
The Seasons Park sale was indicative of growing interest in the housing stock in Richfield — one of the hottest markets in the Twin Cities — and of the threats facing much of the nation's affordable housing, tenant advocates say.
At the work session, representatives from the Community Action Partnership of Suburban Hennepin and the Housing Justice Center shared more than a dozen ordinances and housing strategies the city could adopt. Debbie Goettel, a Hennepin County commissioner and former Richfield mayor, listed county resources that could be tapped by the city to help low-income renters.