What's life like for a St. Paul native covering President Donald Trump during unprecedented times?
Good question.
Ben Tracy, who started WCCO's popular "Good Question" news segment a dozen years before becoming a White House correspondent for CBS, gave viewers a partial answer this month on social media.
"I felt safer reporting in North Korea than I currently do reporting at the White House. This is just crazy," he wrote in a tweet on Oct. 5 that has so far attracted nearly 195,000 likes and plenty of blowback.
Tracy, 44, who attended St. Thomas Academy before embarking on a journalism career, went deeper last week in a phone conversation from Florida, where he was preparing to cover two Trump rallies.
Q: Any regrets about that tweet?
A: I've thought about this a lot. I wish I had provided more context. That's the problem with Twitter. Let me start with what it wasn't. I wasn't comparing Trump to Kim Jong Un.
That was the week the outbreak was happening in the White House and we're always interacting with people there. We weren't getting good information about who was testing positive, so you weren't really sure if you were exposed.