Opinion editor's note: Editorials represent the opinions of the Star Tribune Editorial Board, which operates independently from the newsroom.
The rearview mirror held up to the 1918 influenza pandemic by a definitive historical account offers unexpected but valuable insights into a problem plaguing the modern era — an alarming workforce shortage.
"Pale Rider," a book by Laura Spinney, debuted in 2017, 99 years after the "Spanish flu" encircled the globe and three years before COVID-19 would bring the world to a halt in 2020. The most intriguing chapters are those that examine the 1918 pandemic's short- and long-term ripple effects.
If the past is prologue, expect a baby boom as we pull out of the current pandemic. Fertility rates rebounded "spectacularly'' as influenza ebbed a century ago, Spinney writes. Another implication if past patterns hold: The labor pool will be shallower than it should be for some time.
The obvious reason for that in 1918 was the pandemic's death toll. But today's policymakers should also take heed of lingering health effects in many influenza survivors. At the time, it was often referred to as lassitude and despair. "There is good evidence ... that the Spanish flu itself was a chronic disease, and that it had a negative impact on some people's health for months or even years after the initial flu," according to Spinney.
There appears to be a sequel in the COVID-19 pandemic. After the initial infection, an alarming number of people go on to struggle with long COVID. That's the informal name given to ongoing brain fog, fatigue, headaches, dizziness, shortness of breath and other symptoms. "While patients who were hospitalized are more susceptible, even those with mild cases can experience long COVID," according to the National Institutes of Health.
A new report from the Brookings Institution provides a valuable public service by drawing a direct line from long COVID to current labor shortages. It's a sobering read. Clearly, an ongoing national response is necessary to protect public health and the economy.