Proposed legislation to automatically register all eligible voters would likely boost turnout at the ballot box, but some believe that expanding Minnesota's voter rolls could also bring greater diversity to jury pools that have increasingly lacked people of color.
The state's jury selection process pulls from the names of registered voters, licensed drivers and state ID card holders. Jury pools underrepresent people of color because of racial disparities among registered voters and licensed drivers. And though jury duty is assigned at random, concern is growing in the legal community over decreasing representation.
The Minnesota Judicial Committee for Equality and Justice Study on Jury Race Data found that white, non-Hispanic Minnesotans represent 88% of jurors, while other racial groups are underrepresented in juries.
In Hennepin County alone, 14% of the population is Black, but between 2018 and 2022, they comprised less than 7% of jury pools at the courthouse in downtown Minneapolis.
Automatic voter registration, or AVR, is part of a broader legislative package to strengthen and protect the right to vote. More than 20 other states have this law on the books.
By automatically registering all eligible voters, the jury pool source list expands to include eligible residents when they turn 18. But the list grows even more when those applying for or renewing a driver's license, medical assistance and benefits to a state agency are also added to the voter rolls.
Hennepin County Attorney Mary Moriarty, a former longtime public defender, said she's talking with lawmakers about the dramatic impact on jury pools AVR would have as an unintended benefit.
"It's really important to have diverse juries because there's research out there that says a diverse jury engages in a higher quality of deliberation and it creates more legitimacy in the system and in our verdicts," Moriarty said.