An emergency doctor at Hennepin Healthcare will no longer be permitted to work as the medical director for a popular stun-gun manufacturer, following outrage from elected officials and community members who called the relationship a conflict of interest.
Dr. Jeffrey Ho, head of Emergency Medical Services at the Twin Cities safety-net hospital HCMC, has worked as a paid consultant for Axon Enterprise Inc. for 14 years, the past 10 as the company's at-large medical director. Per the most recent agreement, Ho dedicated at least 32 hours per month to studying Axon products, most of which focused on the company's signature weapon, the Taser stun gun. Axon reimburses the hospital at least $140,000 per year, according to HCMC records.
Thomas Hayes, spokesman for Hennepin Healthcare, said the hospital decided to end this agreement effective July 18. It will also update its conflict of interest policy.
"Hennepin Healthcare leadership made the decision to end the relationship," Hayes said in a statement. "We are focused on our primary purpose of partnering with our community to ensure access to outstanding care.
"Moving forward, we are updating the Hennepin Healthcare System conflict of interest policy and approval process to ensure that they align with our mission and values. This work includes a review of the policies, disclosure requirements, and process to consider, approve, manage, or eliminate actual or perceived conflicts of interest."
Ho will still work for Axon "in his individual capacity," said Axon spokeswoman Carley Partridge.
In May, the Star Tribune published a report detailing the extent of Ho's ties to Axon, the Arizona-based company formerly known as Taser International. In addition to his duties with Axon and the hospital, Ho is also a licensed law enforcement officer, working part time as a Meeker County sheriff's deputy. And he's been instrumental in the hospital's sedative research, which became the subject of protests last summer.
As a consultant for Axon, Ho has traveled the world giving more than 100 presentations about the company's products to law enforcement and medical professionals. With funding from Axon, he's written articles disputing claims from human rights groups that Tasers can be dangerous or even deadly.