Al Franken is still angry.
He's also wrestling with fallout from his mistakes, redefining his goals and trying to "do good stuff" as he cautiously returns to public life after his high-profile downfall, he said in a Star Tribune interview.
The Minnesota Democrat resigned from the U.S. Senate in January 2018, felled by sexual misconduct allegations by several women as the #MeToo movement took root.
His enmity is directed at the circumstances that led to his departure and at fellow Democrats who nudged him to step down, he said in an hourlong conversation in a northeast Minneapolis office building.
"I'm angry about it," he said. "I just don't feel that it actually does me any good, so I try not to dwell on it, but, you know, it comes up."
Franken then cracked a joke, which he did more than once to deflect questions about the price he has paid for his conduct: "But I don't take it out on dogs or anything like that."
A New Yorker article in July asserted that his first accuser, conservative talk-show host Leeann Tweeden, was motivated by politics. She had released a photo showing his hands outstretched near her chest as she slept on a military plane during a USO tour.
"I just knew what the intention was in that," said Franken, who had not yet been elected at the time of the incident in 2006. "I knew what I had not done, but I also knew how people who wanted to take it a certain way would. … It was done at the time for a reason."