Isaac Kolstad's long road to recovery took a big step forward Friday with news that the former college football player has been discharged from inpatient care, five months after being severely beaten in Mankato.
Kolstad's wife, Molly, broke the news on Kolstad's Caring Bridge page, posting a joyful entry titled "We are outta here!!!"
"It is with a full heart that I update you all that today Isaac was discharged from inpatient care! After 5 months of being confined to a facility, of sleeping in a twin sized hospital bed, of reporting daily to nurses, doctors, therapists, and aides, Isaac is finally released and free to go home," Molly Kolstad wrote.
"He and his entire family are incredibly excited to take this huge step in Isaac's recovery and start the process of transitioning back to family life."
The case captured the attention of Minnesotans, many of whom have followed Kolstad's painstaking progress in the media. The progress has been largely detailed on Caring Bridge and in other social media through his loved ones' postings.
At first, it wasn't known whether the former linebacker for Minnesota State, Mankato, would survive the violence in downtown Mankato early that Sunday. Police found him unconscious in front of Blue Bricks bar after closing. Physicians said brain damage could be permanent.
Although Kolstad has been released from inpatient care, his wife wrote Friday that Isaac "continues to work on his speech, right arm, and cognitive comprehension the most. He is putting longer sentences together, expanding his vocabulary every day, and using his right arm to complete tasks like eating and dressing."
Although he graduated in 2013, last month the Mankato native made an emotional return, leading the Mavericks onto the field before the season opener.