No one was seriously hurt when a vehicle crashed into a Minneapolis police squad car Thursday night, then slammed into the entrance to a liquor store on Lyndale Avenue S.
Minneapolis police said neither the two officers involved nor the three people in the other vehicle suffered serious injujries.
Two people in the vehicle, a silver SUV, were taken to a hospital for treatment of minor injuries, said police spokesman John Elder. The names of those involved have not been released.
The crash also caused a huge mess.
Dozens of broken wine bottles littered the entrance of Hums Liquor at 2126 Lyndale Av. S. as alcoholic beverages flowed.
Elder said the incident started just before 7 p.m. when the squad car, with lights and sirens activated, was heading north on Lyndale. The other vehicle hit the squad car, then crashed into the liquor store.
Police are looking into squad car camera footage to help with the investigation into what caused the accident.
Lyndale Avenue S. was closed as investigators did their work.