LEWISTON, Maine — Both the Army Reserve and police missed opportunities to intervene in a gunman's psychiatric crisis and initiate steps to seize weapons from the spiraling reservist responsible for the deadliest shootings in Maine history, according to the final report released Tuesday by a special commission created to investigate the attacks, which killed 18 people.
The independent commission, which held 16 public meetings, heard from scores of witnesses and reviewed thousands of pages of evidence, reiterated its earlier conclusion that Maine law enforcement officers had authority under the state's yellow flag law, but didn't use it, to seize reservist Robert Card's guns and put him in protective custody weeks before the shootings.
The 215-page report also faulted the Army Reserve for failing to do more to ensure Card's health and deal with his weapons. And it pointed out that no one used New York's red flag law to initiate steps to seize the gunman's weapons when he was hospitalized last summer, even though the law had been used on non-New York residents before.
The commission, created by Gov. Janet Mills, a Democrat, announced its conclusions at Lewiston City Hall, less than 3 miles (5 kilometers) from the two sites where the shootings took place Oct. 25, 2023.
''Our ability to heal — as a people and as a state — is predicated on the ability to know and understand, to the greatest extent possible, the facts and circumstances surrounding the tragedy in Lewiston. The release of the independent commission's final report marks another step forward on that long road to healing,'' the governor said in a statement.
Although the report contained no major surprises, the commission's chair, Daniel Wathen, noted the facts laid out in the document can be used by others to make changes to prevent future tragedies.
Megan Vozzella, who lost her husband two weeks shy of their first anniversary, expressed through an American Sign Language interpreter that she wants accountability for those who failed to act to stop the shootings.
''We are dealing with grief, loss of our loved ones. And it's a journey. All we can do is learn from this and make our lives better,'' she said, likening the process to dealing with broken pieces. ''It's like we're walking through the shards,'' she said.