Following a rare display of both victims and prosecutors advocating mercy, U.S. District Judge Donovan Frank sentenced two Illinois men Tuesday to 14 and 16 years in federal prison for bombing Bloomington's Dar al-Farooq Islamic Center in 2017.
Frank said the "substantial assistance" of Michael McWhorter, 33, and Joe Morris, 26 — including testifying against Emily Claire Hari, their "White Rabbits" militia leader — permitted him to render penalties that each amounted to less than half of the 35-year statutory minimums in the domestic terror case.
Prosecutors and defense attorneys described McWhorter and Morris as patsies in Hari's terror plot, manipulated to participate in a string of violent crimes that included robbing a Walmart with airsoft guns, a home invasion, attempting to extort the Canadian railroad and an unsuccessful attempt to bomb a women's health clinic.
Acknowledging that they were under Hari's influence, Frank also condemned McWhorter's and Morris' seventh-month crime spree as "contrary to everything America stands for," rejecting the 10-year sentences requested by their defense attorneys.
"When all is said and done," Frank said, lesser sentences would not "promote respect for the law."
Frank sentenced Hari to 53 years in prison last year, higher than the mandatory minimum but lower than prosecutors' request for life, for civil rights and hate crime convictions.
The sentencings brought to a close a saga that began four-and-a-half years ago, when a black-powder bomb exploded in Imam Mohamed Omar's office early on Aug. 5, 2017, while several mosque members gathered for morning prayer. Throughout the trial, Dar al-Farooq leaders testified to the horror they continued to feel after that day, worried another attack could be imminent.
Still, in court Tuesday, Muslim, Jewish and Christian faith leaders asked Frank for mercy. Omar, who in Hari's trial described feeling he was in a "nightmare" when the bomb went off, told Frank he'd come with "a message of peace" in the name of "solidarity as a human family" on behalf of Dar al-Farooq.