Bonnie Haugen, a dairy farmer in rural Fillmore County in the southeastern corner of Minnesota, watches her mailbox each month for a check from the federal government.
In normal years, her Dairy Margin Coverage insurance program check — a U.S. Department of Agriculture program to buffer dairy producers from the viciousness of commodity cycles — might be close to zero.
But throughout the milking season of 2023, with dairy prices stuck in the basement, Haugen said that assistance has helped her operation avoid major losses.
"It's averaged about $9,000 a month," Haugen said Tuesday.
But she might not see a check come October — at least not right away, if the federal government shuts down.
"There's going to be nobody in the [local Farm Service Agency] office to do that paperwork," Haugen said.
With the nation on the brink of a federal government shutdown Oct. 1, the potential pain for Americans across the country is coming into sharper focus.
On Monday during a White House press briefing, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack warned that a shutdown would reach into virtually every county. It would close local USDA offices, halt government-backed home loans to rural Americans and even further beleaguer efforts to reauthorize the federal farm bill, as tens of thousands of staff members, including some who give technical assistance on proposed legislation, will be furloughed.