Jean Ketcham is 83 but doesn't look it — or act it — between her chic bob haircut, bold jewelry and plans to hit the pickleball court.
Back in 2008, the Minneapolis grandmother co-founded Aging But Dangerous, inviting women 50+ to daring social events (skydiving!) and education sessions on taboo topics ("Hitting the Sheets After 50"). It has also taken field trips to a sex shop, a tattoo parlor and a gun range.
Post pandemic, Ketcham is relaunching the group by releasing a tastefully nude calendar featuring its members. By upping the ante on Martha Stewart's swimsuit-clad magazine cover, she's challenging the idea that women over 50 are past their prime.
We talked with Ketcham, whose site has more than 200,000 Facebook followers in 50 countries, about her grandkids' reaction to her au naturel calendar, cultivating the right attitude toward aging and the lifesaving value of Depends. This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

Why do you want to help women feel good about themselves?
I owned my own clothing store when I was in my 30s and women would come in and they'd be so upset and they'd say, "Jean, this arm is bigger than this arm. I can't wear a sleeveless dress." And I would stand there and look and say, "I'm sorry, I do not see that at all." And I thought, "These women need to change their whole mental attitude."
So why a nudie calendar?
One of the biggest reasons for the tastefully nude calendar was to show women that this is not about their bodies, that it's about their attitude. With the right attitude, you can conquer the world.
Your group has hosted a colonoscopy party and a fashion show. Why?
We actually saved the life of a woman who was afraid to have a colonoscopy because her mother died of colon cancer. They found cancerous polyps in her and they got it in time.
When we did our fashion show, it was to prove you can wear anything you want, no matter your age. There was an 80-year-old walking down the runway and she had on tight jeans, a little T-shirt and a jacket and my 40-year-old daughter said "Mother, I cannot believe that I want an outfit that an 80-year-old woman is wearing!" So, we proved our point.