Snowplowing, recycling and street repairs are all part of the job for Shoreview's public works employees. But the department's fastest-growing budget item these days isn't filling potholes.
It's stormwater.
"Stormwater management issues … have just absolutely consumed my staff," said Mark Maloney, the city's public works director. And homeowners' calls, he said, have a common theme: " 'Hey, why is everything wet?' "
---Across Minnesota, cities large and small are scrambling to upgrade storm sewers, culverts, roadways and drainage ponds as they find themselves deluged by ever-more intense storms and flash flooding. With global temperatures on the rise, this decade is likely to be the wettest in Minnesota history, according to retired state climatologist Mark Seeley.
All that water is overwhelming Minnesota's patchwork of stormwater systems, a huge, aging network of tunnels, pipes and culverts — some of it more than 100 years old — that carries water away to ditches, rivers and lakes. And all of it was designed to handle the climate of the past, said Ryan Anderson, stormwater program manager at the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.
Rochester's public works department, for example, set up a special unit to tackle heavier stormwater loads. The city of Hutchinson plans to issue a 15-year bond to pay for a major stormwater upgrade that features a large new retention pond, complete with native plantings and a walking path, constructed on an old baseball field. Minneapolis is grappling with flooded basements and startling sinkholes near Lake Nokomis. And St. Cloud just added a new underground tank and tunnel system to hold and treat stormwater in an area prone to flooding.
By some estimates, the cost of these upgrades statewide could run into hundreds of millions of dollars in coming years, an expense that is likely to turn up in higher utility fees for homeowners and businesses. Nationally, the adaptation costs could reach $12 billion in coming decades, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Minnesotans see the evidence all around them: soggy lawns, crumbling curbs, flooded intersections, scoured stream banks. Even geysers erupting in the streets.