What began as tweets and an ethics complaint against a Minneapolis City Council member has devolved into a behind-the-scenes political battle between Alondra Cano and some of her colleagues.
Cano, who has been the subject of an ethics complaint over her use of city e-mail for political purposes, sent a pointed letter Sept. 10 to Council President Barbara Johnson and two other members. In it, she threatens to release evidence about other council members' political internet use if the council holds a public vote affirming the ethics complaint against her.
The complaint stems from Cano's decision in December to tweet screenshots of e-mails and contact information of people who contacted her office angry about her involvement in a Black Lives Matter protest.
The council met in closed session with the city's Ethical Practices Board in August — an unprecedented event — to discuss sustained findings against Cano. Because no decision was reached, Johnson said she was advised that the next deliberation would have to happen in public.
In the letter, Cano wrote that she has been keeping screenshots of other council members' use of "city property for 'political' purposes" and names Council Members Jacob Frey, Lisa Bender, Elizabeth Glidden and Abdi Warsame. "If the Council votes to approve the Ethics findings I will speak out against the vote and circulate a press release to the media about the issue with the screenshots I've gathered since January of 2016," Cano wrote.
Johnson said Thursday that she was disappointed with Cano's comments. "It's terrible to treat colleagues like that," she said. Johnson said she shared the e-mail with several of her colleagues because their names were mentioned, "and I want people to think about what they want to do."
'Drag me through the mud'
In an interview Thursday, Cano said her frustration stems from the decision to not resolve the ethics complaint at the initial meeting. She said she is being attacked for her positions on a $15-per-hour minimum wage, Black Lives Matter and other issues.
"I think that there are a few people here who are just really trying to take me down for those issues and they disagree with me politically," Cano said. "So they're going to find any way to drag me through the mud on what I think is an issue that we should have resolved and concluded on."