At the top of Rotulo Coca Cola, where the heat of the city weakens with altitude and the pavement edges up against the jungle, a plateau rises from the mass of banana trees.
From here, all of San Pedro Sula, Honduras, looks small — a city of almost a million stretched beneath the humid haze, its raucous soundtrack replaced by the drone of crickets.
"It looks so peaceful from here," Eduardo Hermida said, overlooking his hometown. "That's why I like it.
"From here, it looks like everything down there is going well."
Above the trees, it's almost possible to forget all that ails perhaps the most maligned city in Honduras, and many other parts of the country, too. The houses, from this distance, all appear similar in size; the good streets and the bad streets, the scrap housing and the mansions bleeding together in a single flowing mural.
But down the hill, reality waits: the poverty and inequality, the gangs and the violence, the routine corruption, the sidewalks strewn with discarded pizza boxes, plastic cups, abandoned shoes.
A set of train tracks crosses through the center of town, with extreme violence on one side and relative safety on the other — a very literal representation of "the right side of the tracks."
But even on the "safe" side, so much needs to change, says Eduardo, a 20-something aircraft repairman who is studying engineering but dreams of writing music for a living.