Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport on Thursday joined a growing number of airports across the country offering COVID-19 testing.
The testing site at the airport is open to the public, not just air travelers and airline and airport employees. Located in Terminal 1, it's the ninth COVID-19 PCR (polymerase chain reaction) saliva testing location to open in Minnesota.
"It's a great location with great logistics," Dan Huff, assistant commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Health, said Thursday. "You do not have to be flying to go here. This is open to anyone in Minnesota."
It takes 24 to 48 hours to receive the results from the PCR saliva test offered at the airport. It's not a rapid test that might be used by travelers to quickly determine their infection status before boarding an airplane.
"If you are sick, have [COVID-19] symptoms or tested positive, do not travel, stay home," Huff said. "That includes if you're out of state — don't come back if you have tested positive."
The test at the airport is available at no cost to Minnesota residents, though people with insurance will need to provide their information for reimbursement purposes.
The PCR test, operated by Vault Medical Services, takes about 15 minutes to administer and involves spitting into a plastic tube. Test results are sent by e-mail. While no appointment is necessary, reservations are encouraged, and walk-in service and advance reservations are available.
Airport officials said the testing site builds upon the Travel Confidently program it launched this summer, which promoted masks, social distancing and hand sanitizing, and added plexiglass to shield travelers and employees.