Looking for wisdom in these confusing times, I turned to my favorite philosopher the other day and cracked open — yes — "The Plague."
If you've read Albert Camus' great, short novel you'll remember a gripping narrative about an outbreak of bubonic plague that strikes a small French Algerian city in the 1940s. Dead rats begin appearing in gutters and on staircases — first in ones and twos, then by the dozens. Soon people start dying — first in ones and twos, then by the dozens. Before long the town is quarantined: No one can enter, no one can leave.
Camus follows a handful of characters — a doctor, a priest, a journalist, a criminal — and examines the way their courage and moral principles are tested as they go about daily life in the hovering presence of death.
Back in college, I found their dilemmas a bit abstract. But suddenly, in our own plague moment, they became vivid and concrete.
I thought of the Costco shopper who pauses in the grocery aisle to consider: Clear this shelf, or leave some for others?
The small restaurateur who pauses in her kitchen to consider: Keep my employees on the payroll, or conserve cash to save my business?
I thought of Minnesota's nurses and physicians who, like Camus' Dr. Rieux, place their lives at risk by continuing to treat the ill.
I don't say that Camus offers clear answers, and I certainly don't pretend to be an expert on his work. But I do think he helps us understand our own responses, as a community and as individuals, in the face of extraordinary challenges.