WASHINGTON — Six-year-old Ivanka Trump was furious: She'd gotten a Barbie for Christmas while her two brothers got Legos and an Erector Set.
So she grabbed some super glue, locked the bedroom door and built an unbreakable Lego model of Trump Tower.
"My father, in scolding me, was never so proud," she recounted years later.
That headstrong little girl is now a trusted political adviser to her father, and a willowy walking advertisement for her own line of jewelry, clothing, shoes and more, as well as a power player in the Trump real estate empire.
She's the rare executive vice president whose skill set includes an ability to walk the job on a construction site in stilettos.
("If you do so," she once warned, "you better be able to walk without too much drama around it.")
Her father, by contrast, is the very definition of drama — in his presidential campaign, with his three marriages and in his brash approach to life.
Ivanka Trump's speech is as measured as her father's is unrestrained. Her Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest accounts project an oh-so-curated image that is equal parts fashionista, doting mother, corporate deal-maker and cheerleader for her hashtagged cause, #WomenWhoWork.