Spring has burst upon us seemingly overnight with temperatures shooting into the upper 60s Monday, and that's suddenly bringing misery for those with allergies.
Blame it all on the pollen finding its way into the air as plants, grasses and trees begin to flower.
The long-running winter and the cooler-than-average April kept pollen at bay, but now pollen counts are soaring, said Dr. Gary Berman of Allergy & Asthma Specialists with offices in Plymouth, Minneapolis and Edina.
Pollen counts, which reflect the number of pollen grains landing on a given area during a specified time, have inched into the moderate to high range across most of Minnesota, according to the website Pollen.com.
The higher the values, the worse it feels for allergy sufferers, with watery eyes, runny noses, coughs and itchy throats, Berman said.
"It feels like a permanent cold," he said. "It can impact a lifestyle and work. You feel fatigued and it's hard to look at a computer when you're always having to grab a Kleenex."
Lots of people suffer from allergies, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. With more than 50 million Americans under their curse, allergies are the sixth-leading cause of chronic illness with an annual cost of $18 billion. A vast majority of Americans with allergies are allergic to pollen, according to Pollen.com.
In Minnesota, asthma affects one in 16 children and one in 13 adults. People with asthma need to be especially aware of pollen sources and seasons to prevent an allergy-related asthma attack, the Minnesota Department of Health said.