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After 10 years of study, Amtrak’s new Borealis train between St. Paul and Chicago took its inaugural run May 21, to modest fanfare and media coverage. More train service is good, if done properly. It’s too soon to assess the new train, but not too early for a few observations.
With Borealis, we again have two trains a day each way on the Twin Cities-La Crosse-Milwaukee-Chicago route; the other is Amtrak’s Empire Builder, which makes a much longer trip to the Pacific Northwest. But Empire Builder timekeeping is inconsistent for the eastbound train due to chronic track work and conflicts with freight service in the 1,800 miles between the West Coast and Minnesota. This was the incentive for a second train.
Borealis is funded by Minnesota, Wisconsin and Illinois and operates under contract by Amtrak. Borealis is actually the extension to Minnesota of a pre-existing train between Chicago and Milwaukee. It leaves St. Paul at 11:50 a.m. eastbound, three hours after the Empire Builder, and arrives in Chicago 7½ hours later, at 7:15 p.m., too late for dinner in Chicago or to catch another train to the east. Westbound, the train leaves Chicago at 11:05 a.m., arriving at St. Paul at 6:30 p.m.
Borealis’ schedule, on paper, is a bit shorter than the Empire Builder, achieved by taking padding out of the Empire Builder’s schedule (padding enables that train to make up small delays). If Borealis falls behind en route, it can’t catch up, and indeed in its first few months of service Borealis’ on-time record has been inconsistent. Given the occasional delays experienced by the Empire Builder, it also means that on some days the two trains have run nose to tail eastbound, clearly not a good use of the new service.
The Empire Builder uses Amtrak’s best transcontinental equipment, including full lounge, dining and sleeping cars plus long-distance coaches, which serves it well on the surprisingly scenic journey down the upper Mississippi River valley and across Wisconsin.
Borealis uses older short-distance corridor cars with smaller windows and only a café counter food service. Newer, better equipment exists, but unlike Wisconsin, Minnesota didn’t help pay for it, so doesn’t get to use it. Borealis is a five car train — four coaches and a combination business class and snack bar car.