On June 16, Jacob Frey stood on a stage at a news conference, flanked by federal officials who'd just told America what Black and Indigenous folks here already know: the sign flashed by the most problematic gang in Minneapolis is a badge.
He curled his right hand and pounded, percussively, on the dais as he looked into the audience and spoke with that plodding, measured tone he employs to convey the gravity of his delivery. He's good at that politician stuff.
"I remember watching the video of George Floyd's murder for the very first time and then heading into my office late at night and pacing with one thought in my mind, which is that 'Now things have to be different. Now things have to change,'" he said. "And at every level of government and across our city, we understand that change is non-negotiable."
But he didn't apologize.
Not to the thousands of Black and Indigenous people in this community who've been subjected to "racist" — the word is used six times in the 89-page "Investigation of the City of Minneapolis and the Minneapolis Police Department" report by the U.S. Department of Justice — abuse by Minneapolis police officers. Not to the Black and Indigenous activists who've devoted their lives to the fight for righteousness. Not to the elder Black and Indigenous folks in this community who've endured police harassment and mistreatment for generations.
I understand the report also acknowledged the progress Minneapolis has made in recent years. And yes, Frey has apologized to the Black community for the city's history of harm in the past.
But not then, on the national stage, perhaps the most influential in the wake of Floyd's murder, following a federal, legally binding examination that called his Police Department a cesspool with a cultural deficiency rooted in violence.
I asked Frey about this and he offered this statement: "In the news conference with DOJ officials, I said this report reaffirms what Minneapolis Black and brown residents have been saying, seeing, and experiencing for years. And a huge share of those same residents have told me they don't need me to apologize again — rather, they need government leaders to act. I've taken that message to heart and it was front and center in my remarks."