And the winner is ...

April 5, 2008 at 4:36AM

Cody DuBois, a seventh-grader from Emerson Spanish Immersion Learning Center in Minneapolis. Here's a quick Q and A.

What was the hardest round of the competition? "The round with the map 'thingamajig,'" when contestants had to identify cities near agricultural areas.

A veteran at geography bees, DuBois first participated in fourth grade. "I've been doing this forever," he said.

What does he want to do when he grows up? "I want to become a dentist. They make a lot of money. And I like good teeth."

How did he feel when his opponent in the title round answered the final question incorrectly? "Triumphant."


Q. More than 90 percent of the canola in the United States is produced in North Dakota. Give the name of the third-largest city in the state, which lies north of Fargo on the Minnesota border. A. Grand Forks

Q. Which country is bordered by Greece and Armenia? A. Turkey

Q. With about 1.3 billion followers worldwide, what religion is widespread in Southwest Asia? A. Islam

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