Andrew Wiggins files paperwork to fire agent, still expected to sign deal with Timberwolves

Wiggins has filed pa­per­work with the NBA Play­ers Association to end his re­la­tion­ship with former Gophers play Bill Duffy.

August 23, 2017 at 6:21PM
Minnesota Timberwolves forward Andrew Wiggins (22)
Minnesota Timberwolves forward Andrew Wiggins (22) (Star Tribune/The Minnesota Star Tribune)

Their work to sign young star An­drew Wiggins to a max­i­mum $148 mil­lion con­tract ex­ten­sion now in­ter­rupt­ed, the Tim­ber­wolves still have un­til Oct. 16 — the day be­fore the NBA regu­lar sea­son starts — to do so.

Wiggins on Tues­day filed pa­per­work with the NBA Play­ers Association to end his re­la­tion­ship with Bill Duf­fy, the form­er Gopher and well-es­tab­lished a­gent who rep­re­sent­ed Wiggins dur­ing his first three pro seas­ons.

Wiggins' de­ci­sion is not ex­pect­ed to jeop­ard­ize his will­ing­ness to sign a five-year deal that Wolves own­er Glen Tay­lor of­fered and that Duf­fy had ne­go­ti­ated, but it is now un­cer­tain when it will be finalized.

If Wiggins does not sign by the start of the season, the Wolves can't sign him un­til next sum­mer, when he would be­come a re­strict­ed free a­gent. The Wolves would have the right to match any of­fers he'd re­ceive.

The Wolves' oth­er young star, Karl-An­thony Towns, is el­i­gi­ble next sum­mer to sign an ex­ten­sion that could be even big­ger.

Wiggins' ex­ten­sion would be­gin in the 2018-19 sea­son and run through 2023.

Jer­ry Zgoda • 612-673-7197

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Jer­ry Zgoda, Star Tribune