Chef Vincent Francoual is calling it quits at Vincent, the eponymous French restaurant that has anchored the prominent corner of 11th Street and Nicollet Mall for 14 years.
"I've been rethinking my life and, after a lot of reflection, I've basically just decided to move on to something new," he said. "This is more of a life decision than a business decision. It's a bittersweet thing, yes, but it's not sad. Let's put some perspective on this. Sad is cancer. Sad is bodies of refugees washing up on the shore in Greece."
The restaurant's last day is Dec. 31.
"In this business, we're defined by our restaurants, and that's a bit crazy," said Francoual. "We can be French and [whine] about it, or be American and realize that our life, our society, is about change."
Twin Cities diners are currently enjoying a record number of restaurant openings, but another prevailing 2015 trend is a spate of high-profile restaurant closings.
The fraternity includes the Modern Cafe (20 years), Solera (11 years), Sapor Cafe and Bar (15 years), Pracna on Main (42 years), Tryg's (10 years), the Blue Point Restaurant & Oyster Bar (30 years) and the Four Inns (45 years).
In addition, Masa (10 years) and four-star La Belle Vie (17 years) are both closing on Oct. 24.
The charming Francoual, who has long had "Le Grand Fromage" ("the Big Cheese") monogrammed onto his chef's jacket (and his Twitter account is @BigCheeseMpls), insists that while the white tablecloth restaurant segment of the business "isn't easy," his decision to pull the plug doesn't fit the model of many recent closings.