Matthew Bakkom found the photographs a decade ago, boxed up in the National Archives. Aerial images of Europe, shot from the back of American biplanes during World War I, they were taken for strategic, practical purposes.
But they were poetic, too. They captured rolling countrysides and zig-zagging trenches. Bomb craters like little scars.
"I've looked at them for so many years that I see them as abstractions," Bakkom said, flipping through the black-and-white images. "This is way before Google Earth," he laughed. "No one had seen stuff like this before."
Bakkom is a conceptual artist who sifts though public archives, creating something new out of what he finds. This month, he's showing these World War I images, taken by the U.S. Army Air Service from 1917 to 1919, at his new studio space in south Minneapolis. Bakkom, 49, worked as an artist here, spent time in New York City and, for the past six years, taught photography as an assistant professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Now he's back in Minneapolis. His show opens Nov. 11, on the 100th anniversary of the signing of the armistice.
That war "has always had kind of a negligible space in the historic, journalistic register," Bakkom said. "It was hugely influential in terms of literature and in terms of culture." But especially compared with World War II and its "Greatest Generation," he continued, the Great War has "always been in the shadows."
Recon by air
Bakkom himself didn't have a particular interest in the war or in "a bunch of military documents," which is essentially what these are. But he knew that these photographs were taken under the direction of the legendary Edward Steichen, credited with transforming photography into art. As chief of the Photographic Section of the American Expeditionary Forces from 1917 to 1919, Steichen helped the United States implement war's newest weapon — aerial photography.
For a host of reasons, it was a tricky task.