"Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet" by Jamie Ford is the selection for this year's "OneBook, OneLakeville" program, which encourages everybody in the community to read and discuss the same book.
Arts briefs: OneLakeville book focuses on Asian-Americans during WWII
In addition to reading the book, participants are invited to take part in activities at the Heritage Library, including "OneBook Bingo" from 10-11:30 a.m. on March 2 and a talk at 7 p.m. March 6 by a history and Asian studies professor and a woman who was interned with her family in a camp for Japanese-Americans during World War II.
The book depicts the friendship between a Chinese-American boy and a Japanese-American girl whose ethnic backgrounds affect their destinies in drastically different ways during the war.
Heritage Library is at 20085 Heritage Drive, Lakeville. For more information, see www.heritagelibraryfriends.com, like "OneBookOneLakeville" on Facebook or pick up a brochure at the library.
Teen author speaksLauren Myracle, author of bestselling young-adult books including "Shine" and the "Internet Girls" trilogy, will talk about her writing from 1-2 p.m. Saturday at the Galaxie Library, 14955 Galaxie Av.
The presentation is part of the Teens Know Best author series sponsored by the Metropolitan Library Service Agency. The series is the first of its kind in the region, the library says.
For more information on the Myracle visit, see www.dakotacounty.us/library or call 651-450-2942. To see a listing of all authors involved in the Teens Know Best series, see www.melsa.org and search "teens know best."
Send your Dakota County arts briefs to dylan.belden@startribune.com.