When on his evening walk Minneapolis City Council Member Jeremiah Ellison got the call confirming his beloved grandmother had died from coronavirus, all he could do was sit on a park bench and weep.
He had recently returned from attending her funeral in Detroit. Knowing that "even at 82" his "Nana" — an independent, hilarious, gardening-loving, "work until I drop dead" kind of woman — died from COVID-19 angered him.
He thought about how her death and the lives of other people of color nationwide struck down in the pandemic underscored deeply entrenched racial health and economic gaps.
"If you're someone who thought you had more time to solve these inequities, like maybe we could get it right in a generation or two, I think maybe this pandemic is proving that we don't have that much time," Ellison said. "Folks who deserve a remedy to systemic racism are going to die faster than the pace we're currently working at."
He pointed out that the north Minneapolis residents he represents are often from or have family still in Chicago, Detroit, Milwaukee and Gary, Ind., where racial inequalities in income, health, housing and unemployment are being mirrored in how the virus is affecting minorities. He fears more coronavirus deaths are coming among communities of color.
As COVID-19 continues to take thousands of lives each day in the United States, minorities in particular are being ravaged out of proportion, public health officials say.
In New York City, early data showed Hispanics accounting for 34% of COVID-19 deaths while making up 29% of the city's population.
In Michigan, blacks have accounted for a third of COVID-19 cases and four in 10 deaths, even though they represent 14% of the population.