Minneapolis is bracing for a chaotic scene, with President Donald Trump set to speak Thursday in the heart of the city that overwhelmingly rejected him in 2016.
Two dozen disparate groups plan to protest the visit, from civil rights advocates to labor unions and self-identifying antifa or anti-capitalists. Some estimate more than 10,000 people will flood downtown to oppose the president's visit.
They will be confronted by counterdemonstrators supporting the president, some of whom follow him across the country such as Bikers for Trump, along with the Minnesota-based Three Percenters militia. That's in addition to the Trump fans who plan to jam the 19,000-seat Target Center.
Trump's rally is scheduled for 7 p.m. The daily schedule distributed by the White House says he is expected to arrive at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport at 5:55 p.m.
Mayor Jacob Frey has been meeting with Police Chief Medaria Arradondo since Trump announced the visit to strategize how the city will respond to what could be an impassioned confrontation. Though an ardent Trump opponent, Frey says keeping everyone safe is the city's priority.
"Our police officers in the city of Minneapolis will be enforcing the law," said Frey. "We're going to be looking out for the safety of every single person present — whether you are protesting in opposition or attending in support. That is our responsibility."
Arradondo has asked anyone gathering downtown Thursday to leave their weapons at home, though some of the pro-Trump groups are known for carrying firearms. Frey called this a "prime example" of the need for gun reform in America, but he said the city can't stop people from carrying legal weapons. "I don't have the ability to change the law at the state or federal legislatures for the purposes of the rally," he said.
Permits are not required to protest, said city spokesman Casper Hill.