Ask Amy: Gay grandson needs love, not censure

By Amy Dickinson

June 27, 2022 at 1:00PM

Dear Amy: My 17-year-old grandson appeared at his prom wearing a full-length purple gown with nail polish to match.

I privately told my son (his father) that I was concerned for my grandson's safety, fearing he would be a target if he is so flamboyant. My son became very defensive and said that people can love who they want, and that society needs to get used to it. I agree. But there are people out there who don't like this "in your face" behavior.

My grandson spends most of his time alone in his room and is very sullen. His maternal grandfather committed suicide last year, so I am concerned about the mental health of the entire family. They are receiving counseling individually and as a family.

Could this be a phase, or will he always be like this?

Amy says: I have a question for you: Are you going through a phase, or will you always be like this?

Yes, you worry. Yes, you fret. But the role of a grandparent is simple: All you have to do is to love your grandchildren — exactly as they are, exactly as they present to you; through phases, representations or revelations — and through whatever joys or challenges they encounter.

Can you imagine the impact on this family if you just simply loved and accepted all of them, no matter what?

You might not understand why your grandson would make the choice to go to the prom wearing what sounds like an amazing outfit. But that sullen teenager left his bedroom, got dolled up and took himself to the prom! Give him credit for that.

Furthermore, his father is his ally. Give yourself credit for raising a man who is a good parent.

This family is receiving professional support (another very wise choice). Your only job here is to find a way around your own fears and to relieve yourself of the burden to judge this family — and instead to love all of them, just as they are.

Out of friends

Dear Amy: I moved to a different state in 2019 and have made one friend. I met "Stacy" before the pandemic so up until now, she's been the only person in my new home that I have close ties to.

I'm a loner, and it takes a lot for me to let people in. One of the main reasons for this is because I believe I suffer from an eating disorder.

Most of the time, I have to force myself to eat. It's a daily battle for me.

I overheard Stacy talking to her significant other about my weight the other day. She said I lost too much weight and that something must be wrong with me. I feel like if we're friends, why not ask me about this directly?

This isn't the first time Stacy has said something that has cut me deep, but I also don't want to lose the only new friend I've made. How should I handle this?

Amy says: First, do this (today): Go to the National Eating Disorders Association webpage, They offer many invaluable and supportive resources, including a "chat" function and a help line: 1-800-931-2237. You should see a physician and get a thorough checkup.

Second: Please be brave enough to be honest with Stacy. Sharing this might deepen your friendship, and you deserve to have a good friend in your corner. You can get better, and I hope you'll move toward a healthy recovery today.

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Amy Dickinson

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