Ask Amy: Rookie needs a crash course in garage sales

By Amy Dickinson

July 8, 2022 at 1:15PM

Dear Amy: My girlfriend of 10 years passed away in April. She didn't have a will or any life insurance. Her brother paid for the cremation.

He came to the house to pick up some of his sister's things. Her daughter also retrieved some items. That's not what this letter is about. I have no issue with family members receiving anything they want.

My problem is the opposite of that: Nobody in the family wants most of her possessions because they don't have the room in their homes.

They told me I could do what I want with her leftover possessions. I know that people say, "Just have a garage sale," but I have no experience with garage sales — as a buyer or a seller.

I have no idea how to determine fair prices. There are a few nice things, but not that many. Can you help me get started?

Amy says: Hosting a yard sale can be rewarding in many ways — but the work is made much easier if you have someone helping you.

If you don't have any friends with garage sale experience, there are individuals and companies who will organize, price and handle the selling. They charge either a flat fee or a percentage of the money you take in. This might be worthwhile for you.

Before you host your sale, go to some other sales to see how things are organized and priced. If you hear about a "multi-family" sale in your neighborhood, you might plan your sale to happen at the same time. (Shoppers like to go from one sale to the next, especially when it's a short trip.)

Hold your sale either on the lawn (put things on tables) or in your open garage, with items that are not for sale covered up or behind tape so you don't end up with someone trying to buy your lawnmower even though it's not for sale. Keep the house locked.

Advertise your sale by putting up colorful signs and posting notices on social media and in the newspaper. Put price tag stickers on each item. And have a plan for donating items that don't sell.

I think of yard sales as a great way to recycle items, by sending your extra goods on to a good home. Your sale also could help you to move forward after this big loss in your life.

A private affair

Dear Amy: A relatively distant cousin recently eloped. By "eloped," I mean that they got married with no invited guests.

She wore a dress, they picked a beautiful spot, and they hired a photographer to document it. I received an announcement with a link to photos via text message.

Should I send a gift? If so, what would you recommend? Honestly, I feel more like a "thumbs up" text message is the appropriate response.

Amy says: Despite the undercurrent of disapproval I note in your question, your cousin is not trolling for gifts — but merely notifying you of the happy news of this recent marriage.

If you want to send a gift, then by all means, do that.

I think an appropriate response is to look through their linked photos and return their text message, remarking that you enjoyed their photos, that you hope their special day was joyful and noting that you are very happy for them.

A further generous response would be to add, "As a congratulations, I hope you'll let me take you both to dinner the next time you're in the area. It would be nice to catch up."

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Amy Dickinson

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