Dear Eric: Soon after we had our first child, my wife uncovered a repressed memory that she had been sexually abused by her father when she was 18.
I’ve always encouraged her to share this burden with her brother, but she is flatly against it. While I understand that, I’ve been reading how that trauma affects women later in life. The symptoms closely match many of her behaviors — like conflict avoidance.
I see and feel a lot of untreated suffering and am convinced that life could be a lot better for her if she confided in someone else. Her much-older brother is a balanced person in his mid-70s, and his good will toward her means a lot to her. I’m pretty sure he would believe her and help alleviate her suffering.
Confiding in her brother may not be the only path forward, but my intuition is that it would help a lot. Your advice?
Eric says: While your desire to help your wife comes from a good place, pressuring her to process her trauma in a way that she’s resistant to could cause more harm. Please let go of the idea of her confiding in her brother. It’s not what she wants to do, and I’m not sure it would accomplish what you hope it will.
However, accepting her for who she is — and where she is in her journey — will help you to be a safe resource for her. Turn down the intensity; your solutions are not her solutions.
Try not to pathologize past behaviors, like the conflict avoidance. Focus on the present. If she’s not already working with a therapist who is trained to work with people who have experienced sexual abuse, that’s a good first step. You can suggest it, and even offer to help her find someone, but it has to be her decision.
There’s no time clock. Keep listening to what she’s saying, without judgment and sometimes without commentary. When we’re processing trauma, we need to know that the people we confide in can hold our pain. This builds the trust needed to ask for help.