Asking Eric: Family ‘outlaws’ steal the scene

It might be time to omit them from future gatherings.

By R. Eric Thomas

The Minnesota Star Tribune
July 5, 2024 at 2:30PM

Dear Eric: At a recent family celebration, I witnessed a crime committed by my outlaw relatives. These fools stole two bottles of wine from the restaurant where we were celebrating. I was too stunned to intervene. My dear mother did not like the notion of me trying to “make right” by letting the restaurant know that this happened and making financial amends. She was concerned, perhaps rightly so, that the restaurant would pursue criminal charges against not just our outlaw relatives but perhaps our entire party. My conundrum is this: Do I confront these outlaws or ghost them from future gatherings?

Eric says: Normally, I’m all about clear communication, but it sounds like it might be best to make like Casper and ghost them.

I see little use in starting more family conflict by forcing a confrontation, but you do need to be clear about the boundary you’re setting. If your plan is to avoid inviting this branch of the family to future gatherings, you should say it. “Hey, much love, but I don’t want to be on the hook for more wine or anything else if I’m footing the bill.”

Because you characterize them as outlaws, I’m presuming this isn’t the first incident like this, nor would your characterization be a surprise to them. They might say it’s not that serious, and you don’t need to debate that point. The only pertinent point is that for you the Wild West shenanigans are too much.

Make sure your mother and other family members know this is your boundary, too. And if your mother doesn’t feel comfortable setting her own boundary, offer to be her excuse. She can say, “My kid doesn’t want any fuss at my house so we’re keeping this gathering small.”

Wild West rules apply here: Protect your back and know when to get out of Dodge.

Was slight intentional?

Dear Eric: My nephew, who spent summers with me for years while growing up, recently got married. While I was thrilled to get a Save the Date card, I did not receive an invitation until three weeks before the wedding. His mom and I are estranged because of other issues, so I assumed the invitation had been rescinded. With such short notice, we could not attend because we live out of state.

I was hurt and disappointed and felt like this was more about receiving a monetary gift than about our presence at the ceremony. Should I still send a gift?

Eric says: Don’t write that check just yet. Three weeks is definitely very short notice for a wedding invitation, even if the date was saved. But it’s unclear whether this was an intentional slight or a bride and groom who dropped the ball. It’s unusual for people who have received a Save the Date to get stricken from the list; more often folks who didn’t make the initial round of invites can get called up from the minors when space opens up. Let’s assume the best, which in this case is disorganization.

Reach out to your nephew to clear the air without mentioning gifts. Tell him how thrilled you were to be included and how sorry you were that things didn’t work out. Leave open an opportunity for him to set the record straight, if he wants. A rekindled relationship isn’t on the gift registry but I think it’s still possible.

If all goes well, you still have time to send a present. Tradition dictates up to a year after the wedding, though trends are shifting.

Send questions to R. Eric Thomas at or P.O. Box 22474, Philadelphia, PA 19110.

about the writer

R. Eric Thomas