An 82-year-old woman, diabetic for 20 years, credits the class with keeping her off insulin. A 72-year-old with Parkinson's disease said his balance has dramatically improved. Others say they've avoided knee surgery, kept their osteoporosis in check or stopped taking steroid shots for back pain.
Thanks to the class, Bonnie Resig said, she feels as good at 75 as she did as a cheerleader in high school.
"I don't know that I can do a flip anymore," she said. "But I can move and groove."
Exercise is good for you, as everyone — including those who live under rocks or just arrived from Mars — knows by now. Especially for older people. Numerous studies show physical activity can help protect against heart disease, stroke, diabetes, dementia and some types of cancer. It's associated with improved mental health and quality of life.
The only hard part is, well, actually doing it.
That's why Anne Tudor's ForeverWell class for older adults at the Ridgedale YMCA in Minnetonka is so popular. Participants, ranging in age from their late 60s to mid-80s, say the instructor draws them in.
"Anne is my inspiration — you want to go, go, go when she's doing it," said Don "Punch" Benson. After stent placements 30 years ago, Benson started fitness classes. These days he runs a hobby farm. "If I hadn't been doing this class, I wouldn't be able to do half of what I do at 80."
Slim and 75, Tudor is as good an advertisement as any for physical activity's benefits. She often calls exercise "medicine."