The daughters didn't appear to weigh 100 pounds each — soaking wet — and yet their dads looked intimidated.
At least these Triple S Dance Competition daughters didn't dress their dads in drag

Could it have been because the daughters were dressed like police? Their dads donned the orange jumpsuits of prison inmates at the father-daughter dance that was part of a Triple S Dance Competition this month in Inver Grove Heights.
Geoff Henderson, Bruce Jensen and Jake Skare had daughter-induced performance anxiety. It turns out that Sophie Henderson, 14; Emily Jensen, 15, and Morgan Skare, 14, are tougher critics than their teacher Katy Henry of DanceWorks Performing Arts in Lakeville.
"It really was a neat experience. Well worth it," said Jensen, co-owner of 1st Sewing Center, which has outlets in Bloomington, Burnsville and Faribault, Minn.
There was mild grumbling from the orange-jumpsuited dads until they got a gander of their Metro Dance Center counterparts. They were part of a routine called "The Greatest Showdads," and they were in drag. Thanks to Wade Short, of Triple S Dance Competition, for supplying me with a video clip of the "Showdads," who so stunned me that I forgot to turn on my camera.
Q: Jake, do you remember the first time you danced with Morgan?
A: Yeah. We used to dance all the time when she was little. Not in front of anybody. [Big smile.] So this was a little different, but it went better than I thought it would.
Q: Jake, is this the most unusual event in which your daughter has asked you to participate?
A: Absolutely. [Laughs.]
Q: Geoff, what's it like when you don't perform well in practice?
A: I can't sleep at night. [Laughs.] Nervous. I feel bad, too, like I'm letting down my daughter if it doesn't go well. But we do well every year, and it comes out OK.
Q: Bruce, I think you sang on stage when the instructions were that you not do that?
A: My daughter's put in many rules for me. And I'm not supposed to do certain things, like sing. Or screw up and "try to suck less." I didn't accomplish any of those today, and I'll hear about it later.
Q: Jake, you do know that you have lost control of the situation already, right? Are you at peace with that?
A: Yes. I am. [Laughing.]
Q: Jake, some of those dance numbers are kind of racy.
A: Yeah, yeah, you know. You've got to win.
Q: Bruce, what did you think of the dance moves, and why were you dancing in the back row?
A: You've got to shake it a little bit to win [smile]. ... It [the back row] wasn't my choice. It was by merit. Unfortunately, I deserved to be in the back.
Q: Jake, what is the harshest critique you've received from your daughter?
A: "Make sure you're doing it right." That's it. I think they [Bruce and Geoff] are getting it worse.
Q: Do you get to keep these lovely outfits, Geoff? When do you wear them again?
A: Halloween.
Q: How will Bruce incorporate that jumpsuit into his life?
A: Mowing the lawn tomorrow.
Q: The good thing is that you are ready for that father-daughter dance at her wedding, right, Jake?
A: That's right. We'll just remember this.
Q: Jake, maybe Morgan will let you wear the orange jumpsuit?
A: I'll hold onto it.
Q: How'd the dads perform, Emily?
A: They did better than in practice.
Q: What grade are going to give your dad, Morgan?
A: A "C."
Q: So you think your dad was the worst of the three?
A: Yeah. [Two "Wows" could be heard in the background. I assume one was from Jake.]
C.J. can be reached at and seen on Fox 9's "Buzz." E-mailers, please state a subject; "Hello" does not count.