Attorney General: The court agreed with us

Attorney General Lori Swanson said the Ramsey County Court decision on shutdown spending "granted our petitions with respect to both the judicial and executive branches"

By rachelsb

June 29, 2011 at 8:02PM

While the Ramsey County court decision on shutdown Wednesday did not accept Attorney General Lori Swanson's more expansive view of services that should stay open in a government shutdown, the attorney general said she was pleased with the ruling.

"I am pleased that the courts granted our petitions with respect to both the judicial and executive branches," she said in a statement. "We sought a declaration that the courts make the ultimate determination concerning the constitutional rights of our citizens and the core functions of state government in the event of a shutdown. In both cases, the courts did so. We look forward to addressing further issues as they arise before Chief Justice Blatz."

Former Supreme Court Chief Justice Kathleen Blatz was appointed "special master" to sort through detailed issues of what should stay open and what should close.

To read the opinion issued Wednesday click here and to read Gov. Mark Dayton's reaction click here.

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