Seven defendants should be convicted for taking advantage of the pandemic to steal millions of dollars in taxpayer money and enriching themselves instead of feeding children in need, a federal prosecutor told the jury Friday in Minneapolis as closing arguments began in the Feeding Our Future trial.
“It wasn’t a get-rich quick scheme ... it was a program for children,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Joseph Thompson said in his two-hour summary of the case. “This program wasn’t designed to make people wealthy.”
Four of the seven defense teams countered that the jury should find the six men and one woman not guilty, arguing that the prosecution’s case lacks evidence and that the FBI investigation it was built on was flimsy.
The closing arguments, which will resume Monday before the case goes to the jury, cap six weeks of testimony and evidence in the first trial in a broader case that prosecutors have called one of the largest pandemic fraud schemes in the country.
Defense attorneys have sought in the past month to cast doubt on what they say was sloppy FBI work, sharply criticizing investigators for not even visiting food warehouses or distributions sites to verify the meals. They pivoted Friday to scrutinize the prosecution’s case, saying it told half the story with unreliable witnesses and selective data.
“The whole case is built on speculation,” defense attorney Edward Sapone said. “There’s reasonable doubt all over the place.”
The 12 jurors and six alternates have sat through a lengthy, complex trial, which included more than 40 witnesses and 1,300 exhibits. On Friday, they heard seven hours of closing arguments.
The seven defendants are among 70 people charged in the broader case, all tied to U.S. Department of Agriculture programs that reimburse schools, day-care facilities and nonprofits for feeding low-income children after school and during the summer.