Award-winning editorial writer and two-time Pulitzer Prize finalist Phillip Morris will bring his voice to the Star Tribune, where he will serve as the media company’s opinion editor and vice president.
Morris, 59, will join the state’s largest news organization on July 22 and lead a team charged with writing opinion pieces and editorials that offer solutions and generate discussion in ways that benefit Minnesota, company officials said in announcing his appointment Thursday.
“I’m thrilled to bring such a talented and thoughtful leader to the Star Tribune at a pivotal moment in our journey,” said Steve Grove, publisher and CEO of the Star Tribune. “Welcoming a leader from outside the state offers us the unique advantages of bringing fresh eyes to our report, at a time when Minnesota is undergoing so much transformation. Phil’s leadership will broaden our focus and diversify the perspectives we amplify in powerful ways, which we hope will better serve our audience across Minnesota, regardless of your ZIP code or background.”
Morris spent much of his career in Ohio, including nearly 30 years at the Plain Dealer, where he served as an editorial writer and metro columnist. He started his career as a reporter and editorial writer at the Dayton Daily News.
In addition to a long journalism career, Morris wrote several magazine pieces as a contributing writer for National Geographic Magazine about race relations in America following the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis. He also authored cover stories on the COVID-19 pandemic and the death penalty.
“I am delighted to join the talented staff of the Star Tribune at a time of important change and growing momentum,” Morris said. “I have focused my career on helping to advance important conversations and discovering the connective tissue that strengthens and grows communities. I look forward to helping elevate issues and voices that contribute to healthy introspection and action.”
Along with being a two-time Pulitzer Prize finalist in the commentary category, Morris has won a number of awards and honors. They include the Robert G. McGruder Diversity in Media Distinguished Leadership Award from Kent State University, the Distinguished Writing Award for Commentary from the American Society of News Editors, a Salute to Excellence winner from the National Association of Black Journalists and multiple National Headliner Awards.
Morris comes to the Twin Cities after longtime Star Tribune opinion and news editor Scott Gillespie retired earlier this year. He also joins as the Star Tribune is expanding its work in opinion journalism and seeks to bring in commentary from a more diverse range of voices.