(The Minnesota Star Tribune)
The election is over in the sixth congressional district, but the war of words rages on.
The election is over in the sixth congressional district, but the war of words rages on.
Rep. Michele Bachmann sent an e-mail to donors yesterday asking for money to help fend off 2010 rival Tarryl Clark, who she said "may be starting to amass an even larger war chest than she did this election cycle."
Based on what? According to The Hill -- the only news organization that seems to have received the e-mail -- Bachmann cited an e-mail Clark sent on behalf of U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison earlier this month.
It included the line, "As we regroup and recommit ourselves to organizing for victories in 2012..."
Clark fired back in an e-mail this afternoon jabbing at Bachmann but leaving open the possibility of another run in 2012. She adds that "the only thing I'm 'amassing' right now is quality time with friends and family" and asks people to donate to the Salvation Army.
Dear XXX,
Congresswoman Michele Bachmann is already worried about 2012.
Yesterday - just six weeks after Election Day - Bachmann emailed her supporters asking for campaign contributions, saying that she might have to face us again two years from now, and that we're already "amassing an even larger war chest" than we did in 2010.
She's right to worry: in 2010 she spent more than $11 million - including over $2.5 million in the last two weeks of the election alone - and still won with one of the narrowest margins of victory of any Republican incumbent.
In 2012, she will be facing a much different political landscape, and will have to explain to voters what exactly she and the Republican-controlled Congress did to improve the economy, help people find a job or stay in their homes, and care for our seniors, veterans and children.
The more immediate question those of us in Minnesota's 6th District have, however, is whether Michele Bachmann will even be a candidate for Congress in 2012. Many have speculated that she may run for Senate, or even President - and Bachmann herself hasn't ruled it out. It certainly makes sense for someone who has $2 million in the bank and is still raising money at a furious pace.
As for me, the only thing I'm 'amassing' right now is quality time with friends and family because the holidays are about coming together, not fear and divisiveness. This is a time for giving back, and I hope you'll join Doug and I by contributing to the Salvation Army, or a charity of your choosing, and helping those in need this holiday season.
Tarryl Clark