Dozens of Water Gremlin workers, some with children in tow, protested at the State Capitol on Tuesday, demanding that the company's production lines reopen so they can return to work.
The demonstration came one day after Nancy Leppink, commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry, ordered the 72-hour shutdown of the plant, citing the company's failure to control lead dust that has poisoned at least 12 children of workers. A court hearing scheduled for Thursday will determine whether Water Gremlin, which employs 313 people in White Bear Township and has a history of pollution violations, will remain closed.
The state said it acted to protect the health of workers and their families from a toxic dust believed to have been carried home on their shoes and clothing. While some former workers have spoken out about their fears of illness, current employees have organized to try to save their jobs.
Tuesday's protest outside the Capitol turned into a meeting with Leppink, other officials and the staff of Gov. Tim Walz, who brought the demonstrators into the governor's reception room so they would not have to stand in the cold.
Sue Vang, a 29-year-old St. Paul resident in the group, said he works as a die cast operator at Water Gremlin.
"Let us work," Vang said. "They're shutting us down because of health concerns, and OK, but it's up to the individual to do proper personal hygiene."
Vang was referring to work procedures for eliminating the risk of lead contamination, such as hand washing.
Leng Vue, a 31-year-old father of three and also a die cast operator, brought his 2-year-old son to the Capitol. Vue said that state regulators should have worked more with the company to correct problems. Water Gremlin was treated "unfairly," he said after the meeting.