Usually, young musicians leave their parents' house to become rock stars. The brother-and-sister duo Durry, however, caught on only after moving back in with their mom and dad during the pandemic.
"I think it helped we had a relatable story, being stuck in suburbia in the pandemic and all that," a still visibly wonderstruck Austin Durry guessed.
"We also had a bit of luck," he rightfully added.
That good fortune came via the video-driven social media platform TikTok. Now Austin and his kid sister Taryn are being courted by record labels and even praised by Fred Durst of Limp Bizkit notoriety.
Playing their first headlining gig next Wednesday at 7th St. Entry (already sold out), the two siblings never made music together before last year. In fact, since he's 29 and she's 21, they hadn't even hung out together much over the past decade.
Then came COVID.
Austin had planned to tour with his other band, Coyote Kid, for most of 2020. Instead, he and his wife, Ashley, wound up moving into the walk-out basement apartment under his parents' house on a shady, hilly lane in Burnsville. Suddenly, he and Taryn were around each other all the time.
One thing the siblings had in common was lifelong music training from their dad, David, a music teacher and church music director.