Best bird photos of 2021

National Audubon Society picks 100 best photos.

For the Minnesota Star Tribune
July 20, 2021 at 2:58PM
Carolina Fraser’s photo of a greater roadrunner won the grand prize. (CAROLINA FRASER/The Minnesota Star Tribune)

Best bird photos

The 100 best photos chosen by judges from the 2021 competition sponsored by the National Audubon Society can be seen at the Audubon website. There are some marvelous and creative photos here, worth a look. Address is

Who watches the watcher?

Are birds watching you watch them? It depends. They'll be most likely to see you if you are too close, make fast, unnecessary movement, or wear white or brightly colored clothing. Making noise won't help. Be inconspicuous and quiet. Birds that fly away when you approach are sending you a message. Make no jerky motions. Avoid jerky behavior, too, and you should be just fine.

Baby birds don't sing

Birds use song to define territory and attract a mate. Birds in the nest do neither. They sing no songs, just make faint chipping notes to encourage the adults to feed them. Songs or louder calls could attract predators to the nest. Young birds that have left the nest, that's a different tune. They often beg loudly, trying to attract parental attention. Young birds making shallow, rapid wingbeats also are trying to get the attention of the food vendor.

about the writer

Jim Williams

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