As sundown approaches at Pinehaven Farm near Wyoming, Minn., one of the barns is stuffed with cowboys and scarecrows. Butchers and sheriffs. Prisoners and aliens. But because their stage is the sprawling, woodsy acreage of Dead End Hayride, these so-called "scare actors" play a blood-soaked, walking-dead version of the above — a soldier bears a large gunshot wound, a pasty-white monk looks like he just crawled from a crypt.
The scene resembles an enormous Halloween bash, with professional-caliber costumes. Upstairs, in the makeup booths, artists airbrush on fake blood (some of it mint-flavored!). Despite their realistic-looking bruises and gashes, the actors don't seem so scary as they down Monster-brand energy drinks to fuel themselves for the long night ahead.
Once dusk descends and a cowbell signals the call for "places," a crazed-looking clown snuffs out a cigarette and an undead nun hits the porta potty. As soon as the sky turns black, all of these eerie characters become hauntingly real.
Some 200 scare actors are the telltale heart of Dead End Hayride, which has grown from a modest family-run operation into one of Minnesota's largest haunted attractions, welcoming 5,000 guests on a sold-out Saturday night.
Their job is to startle and spook, moan and groan, make creepy conversation, and deftly react to the occasional visitor whose fight-or-flight response causes them to lash out, freeze or panic.
The goal is not to traumatize people, said Dead End's owner Jeremy Hastings, who sold his sports car to start the attraction on his family's farm over a decade ago in his early 20s. He hopes visitors are entranced by the spectacle — and dosed with a hearty adrenaline rush.
"We're not trying to be the scariest, most horrific haunted house," Hastings explained. "Our goal is that our customers are walking to the parking lot kind of looking over their shoulder, but laughing about the experience."

Scare tactics