In his 1869 book “Burton-upon-Trent; Its History, Its Waters, and Its Breweries,” William Molyneaux incorrectly attributed the invention of India ale to a London brewer named Hodgson. He purportedly solved the problem of pale ale spoiling en route to India by boosting the content of alcohol and hops, which has antibacterial properties. It has become one of the beer world’s most repeated fables.
The English had been sending pale ale and other beers to India decades before Hodgson’s brewery was founded in 1751. They had been making very strong, highly hopped beers since the 16th century, and advertisements of the era show that these “stock ales,” intended for long-term aging, were being shipped to India. There was no need for anyone to invent a new style for the India trade.
There is some conjecture that the motion and heat of the five-month ocean voyage may have started a secondary fermentation in the cask that eliminated some of the sweet residual sugar, making the beer lighter and drier. Together with hops that were likely added to the cask before shipping, this resulted in an ale that was crisp, bitter and refreshing. Brewers eventually learned to make beers with similar qualities for the home market that didn’t necessitate the long journey. These beers eventually became known as India pale ale (IPA).
Since then, IPAs have become one of the most — if not the most — popular style among craft beer drinkers, and the term now encompasses nearly any highly hopped ale.
English IPAs
The original, of course, is the English IPA. There used to be several examples available in the Twin Cities — including Summit’s much-missed True Brit IPA — but Samuel Smith’s India Ale is the only one I’ve seen lately. (However, they do appear occasionally as special releases or taproom-only offerings.)
English IPA differs from American IPA in its balance, and Samuel Smith’s India Ale is true to form. While it is hop-forward, hops are not the only focus. The herbal citrus notes of English hops share the stage with grainy and caramel malt. Hops and yeast impart fresh orange and orange marmalade notes. The assertive bitterness has a sharp, mineral character that lingers into the finish. English IPA is my favorite type. I wish there were more of them.
West Coast IPAs
In the early 1980s, nascent West Coast microbreweries gave the English pale ale and IPA a decidedly American twist with clean-fermenting yeast and resinous, citrusy hops from the Pacific Northwest. Applying the American sensibility of more is more, they used those hops in abundance, creating a true showcase for the bitterness, flavor and aroma of hops.
Hop Kingdom 300 from Fulton Brewing in Minneapolis is a fantastic example of the style. In both aroma and flavor, it bursts with the grapefruit, tangerine, berry and pineapple character of Mosaic hops. Bitterness is assertive and lingers long after swallowing. It’s balanced by a sturdy base of toasted malt. Crisp, clean and loaded with hops, this is a beautiful IPA.