Minnesotans tend to pack their precious summer weekends with excursions and activities. Running races — usually held on Saturdays and Sundays — often clog already hectic schedules even more. That's where the Endless Summer Trail Run Series pulls away from the pack. Rather than head off to happy hour, Twin Cities runners can cap off their workday with a tramp through the woods. The four evening races, held at different locations between May and August, take full advantage of Minnesota's long and glorious summer days. After hurdling over mud puddles and tree roots, participants hang around for pizza and beer before rolling home for the best night's sleep a Wednesday can offer. May 25, June 15, July 13 & Aug. 10; estrs.com
Best weeknight running race: Endless Summer Trail Run Series - Best of MN 2016
April 15, 2016 at 7:55PM
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