A Baltimore oriole nest made of mostly horse hair, and only horse hair, is the best bird nest I have ever seen. It was found in a tree in the yard of a friend.
Alex, who showed me the nest, lives on an old farmstead, neighbor to a stable that housed a pair of horses. The hair nest was built about 100 feet from the barn, so the source of material was not in question.
I was there in a grove of trees to watch a female oriole build that spring’s nest, strands of grass her material of choice.
Orioles are weavers of nests, usually working with natural fibers, vegetation of some kind, like strands of grass.
In an article in Audubon magazine a few years ago, Nancy Flood, a Thompson Rivers University biologist, describes the process well:
“You see the female poking one end of the string through, and then pulling her head back to weave it out, just like when you crochet or knit a bag.
“They can spend half an hour doing that, then go away to get another long piece of grass and do more,” Flood said.
The horse-hair nest is woven tightly enough to hold water, at least for a few moments. It’s a work of art. It must have taken days to build.